Process and Value Stream Process Mapping Basics
Workshop Description
Process mapping is a technique that provides a structural analysis of a process flow. It can be used to distinguish how work is actually being done from how it should be done. It’s very important to map the actual situation (“As Is” or “Current State”) to identify opportunities for improvement. Further study leads to mapping how the process “Should Be” (or Future State) once improvements occur.
Moving beyond basic process mapping, Value Stream Process Mapping (VSPM) can be viewed as a means to expose waste that’s hiding in the organization’s systems and processes. It’s used to quantify the flow of throughputs as well as waste, rework, wait time and other drains on resources. It is a technique that is easily and effectively applied in any type of process – manufacturing, lab, health care, government, retail, office, school…
This fast-paced workshop also offers participants the opportunity to practice the techniques by applying them to actual work processes, then planning for improvement.
Workshop Topics
Process Mapping Symbols and Terms
Procedure for Generating the Initial Process Map
Value Stream Process Mapping
The Concept of White Space
Defining Meaningful and Actionable Metrics
How to Move from the Current State to the Desired Future State
Procedure for Drafting a VSPM
Direct application to participants’ processes
Who Should Attend?
Managers, supervisors, team members, leaders and facilitators interested and involved in achieving process improvements. This workshop is most beneficial when a team from your organization attends together. Attendees are encouraged to bring some of their own written work instructions, standard operating procedures (SOP’s), flow diagrams and data for use in some of the workshop’s exercises and simulations.
“When I was developing the Leadership program [for our division] in China, I partnered with the University of Hong Kong and their top professors. I brought Jim to Hong Kong to deliver his program under the observation of a woman who is considered the top professional in China in the field of continuous improvement. When Jim was finished she told me he was the best instructor she has ever seen, and she was concerned that she wouldn’t be at his level.” – Angelo Sabatalo, Corporate Director of Organizational Development, Nypro, Inc. /Nypro University